T.N. Bharti

Aligarh: Professor Syed Ziaur Rehman, Department  of  Pharmacology J N Medical College and Hospital  Aligarh Muslim University has been appointed  as coordinator  of the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre (A M C) and Medical Devices Adverse Events Monitoring  Centre  (M D M C) at J N Medical  College  A MU. Both AMC and MDMC  works under the National Pharmocovigilance  Program 0f India ( PvPI) and Metriovigilance Program  of India  ( MVPI ) under the Ministry of Health and  Family welfare , Govt  of India .

Professor  Rehman has been working in the field of Pharmacovigilance  for the last 23 years . He has also written a  book, An Introduction to Environmental  Pharmacology,  and published various research papers in the same discipline.

He has delivered hundreds of lectures  in India and abroad  on the safety of medicine. Dr. Rehman is presently guiding a PhD thesis  on Materovigilance of Cardiovascular Medical Devices, which is one of the first Ph.D on the subject. Dr. Rehman is also a member of  various reputed organisations in his field in India and abroad. In 2002, he started the Journal  of Pharmacovigilance  and Drug Safety.

Dr. Rehman was felicitated by teaching and non-teaching staff of AMC and  MDMC.

Professor Veena  Maheshwari, Dean Faculty of Medicine, and Prof. K C  Singhal, Founder President  of SOPI  also congratulated Prof. Rehman. greeted to Dr. Rehman .

Dr. Rehman said that IPC had also accepted  the appointment  of  Dr.Mohammed Sarfraz, Assistant Professor  Centre for Bio Medical Engineering as Deputy Coordinator  of MDMC and Dr. Imrana Masood  Assistant Professor  (Department  of  TB & Chest Diseases) as Deputy coordinator  of  AMC. Dr. Rehman thanked all the teachers and students and promised to take PVPI and MVPI to greater heights.


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